Monday, May 31, 2010

Ricardo Corvo is the dead of the A59

Leverkusen -
After the discovery of the body A 59 (EXPRESS) reported that investigators now know who the victim: Ricardo Corvo was 43 years old and lived only since November in Cologne.
This has now revealed a DNA test of beyond reasonable doubt. Still, the homicide squad stumbles in its investigation partly in the dark. Therefore, investigators rely on the assistance of the population and ask:
• Who knew Ricardo Corvo and can information about its social
Environment do? • Who had contact with him or knows other contacts • How has Ricardo Corvo denied a living? • When was he last seen alive? • Who can provide information about the offense or the offender? • Who has the 02/01/2010 bevor 15.01.2010 suspicious observations made by the body reference?
Notes: Welcome to The Criminal Commissioner on telephone number 11 0221 / 229-0.
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Who knows the dead from the A 59?
Who is the dead from the A 59?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eric Gerets - he will be the new Bayern coach?

Marseille - Former Bundesliga coach Erik Geretswird Olympique Marseille at the end of the season left after two years.
"I've already decided a while ago to" the 54Jahre old football coach said Wednesday on the website of the League desTabellenführers first
With regard to denMeisterschaftskampf he had wanted to wait to admit his Entscheidungbekannt. Emerging unrest after the first rumors hättenihn forced to reconsider.
About the reasons for his dismissal was not specified Gerets. The Belgian is considered a possible candidate for the Traininerposten beimFC Bayern Munich.
Background: Bayern-Profi Franck Ribéry will appreciate Geretssehr.
From 2002 to 2005 he trained in the Bundesliga den1. FC Kaiserslautern and VfL Wolfsburg.
More on the Bayern coach search: EXPRESS.DE users want Bernd Schuster> Bayern sucht den Super-Trainer>

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Best's life is in Düsseldorf

Dusseldorf - Dusseldorf, Munich and Frankfurtbieten the dispatched employees of foreign companies, according to a study the best quality of life in Germany.
In eineminternationalen comparison of 215 cities, they crossed the line six, seven and eight, it said in a study presented on Tuesday inFrankfurt the consultancy Mercer.Weltweit Vienna landed at number one, followed by Zurich and Geneva.
For the 39 ranking criteria have been evaluated, which are important for insAusland expatriated employees of companies. Count with political, economic and environmental aspects.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I have never manipulated a game"

Osnabrück -
He can gamble, no question! Osnabrück professional footballer Thomas Reichenberger (1996-1999 Bayer Leverkusen) has qualified in 2007 for the world series poker tournament in Las Vegas. because you have to be a really good player already.
The tournament he has but then canceled because of the football preparation. And fell in Osnabrück as the second division last season in the relegation whirlpool assured Reichenberger: "The poker I let the moment entirely. I concentrate fully on football. "
But now puts the 35-year-old striker in the midst of the biggest manipulation scandal of all time. Reichenberger is next to Thomas Cichon (Moroca Swallows / South Africa) and Marcel Schuon (now Sandhausen) to the accused. Two games will be postponed.
On Friday Reichenberger went before Drittliga game against Dortmund II of Osnabrück in the offensive, stood in front of the fan curve and also introduce you were manager Lothar Gans: "The Thommy want to tell you something."
With a serious mine Reichenberger said: "It is much eingeprasselt on me in recent days. But I can assure you: I never had contact with the gambling mafia and had nothing to do with the betting scandal. I have never tampered with a game or taken money for playing poorly or losing. I am sure that we keep all together today to win the game and then celebrate tonight at the Purple-White night together. "The team won 4-1, it was celebrated.
But Reichenberger still have difficult days before. His adviser Dieter Marquardt to EXPRESS: "We want to know who put him there inveigled. We go on Monday to the lawyer and request the files. I know Thomas had a baby, am sure that all charges is not true. He is after the accusations quite ready. "
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That is how the extortion
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German football betting scandal threatens new

Friday, May 7, 2010

This case from Cologne saved 150 lives

Cologne - After fifteen years of service he retired and was replaced on a new one. The suitcase, which was flown by supporters of the German bone marrow donation register (DKMS) in the whole world, saved a total of 150 lives.
Whether in Brazil, the United States or in France, in the last 15 years, the suitcase with the bone marrow donation was almost across the globe on the road, "said Malte widower of the DKMS proud. The result: More than 150 lives could rescue the bone marrow.
The contents of this suitcase, the bone marrow, is the last hope of people in a desperate battle against cancer. Was the suitable donor's bone marrow removed, it must go very fast. Approximately 40 hours to bring the workers have time to make the case to the waiting patients.
If the donation to later go broke each stem cells from bone marrow. This makes the donation unusable, and that could cost the person a life. For this reason, always two flights for the persons who are carrying this suitcase, posted. If a canceled flight, always ready alternative.
The contents of the suitcase must not be X-rayed at check-in. X-rays would destroy the stem cells. Therefore, the security must be promptly informed of the shipment. "At the latest after two years to determine whether the transplant, we were successful, says Malte widower. "If so, then we can say that again: This case saved a life."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Little fox" Köbesse suddenly saw black

Dusseldorf - Which advertising Fuchs had devised that?
The brewery "The little fox" - top-fermented soul of Ratingen street - of the heart for many of Düsseldorf. For over 150 years here, the legendary Old Füchschen-brewed.
Dark brown delicious beer, the famous red logo with the fox. Does the beer mats. The black pens, which write the Köbesse the rounds on the lid. Had 150 years jot jejange. Until now! Now the Köbesse suddenly saw black. And the clientele ripping good time.
The "Fox" had suddenly disappeared classic white coaster. Black cardboard had taken its place. Even the white waiter blocks were black at one time. And because there is not just black on black looks very good, got all Köbesse new pins. White! And it took all Köbesse right "schei ..."
A few rounds of old, the lid slightly softened. And even the waiters were blurry white lines could hardly distinguish yet. On some cardboard, they were gone, even after quite some time. Pretty nice for the "little fox" clientele, rather annoying for the frustrated Köbesse.
Uli Tillmann has many years of working in as little fox Köbes. With wit and impudent flap it has become a "Chinese-Uli" on the road Ratinger a legend. Tillmann: "The designer who has done this, should really get something on the lid. A crazy idea that does not belong in such a beautiful temple of beer as the "fox". Off to the ton! "
Brewery boss Peter King has now also available. The black covers have disappeared as quickly as they came. King: "The lids were too dark to me. This includes the Köbesse were constantly annoyed. And if you put a glass on the cardboard, you could see our fox logo anymore. I must confess: missglückt attempt. "Wants to cover the king now use only at parties.