Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I have never manipulated a game"

Osnabrück -
He can gamble, no question! Osnabrück professional footballer Thomas Reichenberger (1996-1999 Bayer Leverkusen) has qualified in 2007 for the world series poker tournament in Las Vegas. because you have to be a really good player already.
The tournament he has but then canceled because of the football preparation. And fell in Osnabrück as the second division last season in the relegation whirlpool assured Reichenberger: "The poker I let the moment entirely. I concentrate fully on football. "
But now puts the 35-year-old striker in the midst of the biggest manipulation scandal of all time. Reichenberger is next to Thomas Cichon (Moroca Swallows / South Africa) and Marcel Schuon (now Sandhausen) to the accused. Two games will be postponed.
On Friday Reichenberger went before Drittliga game against Dortmund II of Osnabrück in the offensive, stood in front of the fan curve and also introduce you were manager Lothar Gans: "The Thommy want to tell you something."
With a serious mine Reichenberger said: "It is much eingeprasselt on me in recent days. But I can assure you: I never had contact with the gambling mafia and had nothing to do with the betting scandal. I have never tampered with a game or taken money for playing poorly or losing. I am sure that we keep all together today to win the game and then celebrate tonight at the Purple-White night together. "The team won 4-1, it was celebrated.
But Reichenberger still have difficult days before. His adviser Dieter Marquardt to EXPRESS: "We want to know who put him there inveigled. We go on Monday to the lawyer and request the files. I know Thomas had a baby, am sure that all charges is not true. He is after the accusations quite ready. "
Also of Interest
That is how the extortion
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