Saturday, June 12, 2010

Biedermann floats on top of the world

Berlin -
No one swims faster than Paul Biedermann! A day after its record 400-meter freestyle relay triumph> in 3:32,77 minutes the double world champion from Halle / Saale at the end of the swimming World Cup in Berlin on Sunday in 1:39,37 minutes over 200 meters in world record time.
U.S. superstar Michael Phelps, he had to look pretty old. The went to did not even let the much-anticipated World Cup revenge burst with Biedermann, when he beard and textile pants already resigned in the run.
Biedermann took care in his Berlin "living room" in the high-tech suit once again for a hit. "Just cool it was, was he. "It's a nice feeling. Now we have to see what the future brings. I must lose weight, so I do not drown. The suit has already kept me up. "
After his record race, he was himself surprised and richer by $ 23,000. "I've become thicker through my break, a forty-five minutes took me to get into the suit," the 23-year-old said after just recovery from torn muscle in his thigh. Without the high-tech suit, it will in the future schwerwerden to improve the records, so Biedermann.
The remaining until the end of December allowed high-tech suits ensured in conjunction with new, athletics-inspired boot block in Berlin for a record flood. 16 world and six European records were an impressive record.
Thus, the Hamburg Steffen Deibler also took a world record. In frantic fast 21.80 seconds, he brought 50 meter butterfly behind her was just flabbergasted, "I did not think that I get here as world record holder from the water."
For European records ensured Janne Schaefer (Heidelberg), second place in 29.55 seconds over 50 meters breaststroke and Daniela Samulski over 50 meters backstroke (26.21). These twelve national records: Germany's swimmers are ready for the European Championships in December in Istanbul.
Also of Interest
Biedermann and Deibler fetch world record

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Year's Eve: Vodafone struggles with millions of calls and SMS

Düsseldorf -
It's the same every year: New Year's Eve, at midnight, everyone wants his friends and loved ones reach via SMS or phone call. The acid test for the telephone network.
EXPRESS looked so once around in the network center of Vodafone. Here you fight with the millions of messages.
Every New Year's wish of 35 million Vodafone mobile phone customers comes from Düsseldorf. In high-rise of the mobile giant also sits on the banks of the giant central Netzzen. From there, all calls and short messages are managed. On New Year's Eve is a mammoth task.
"Today we have 150 engineers at our headquarters," said Vodafone spokesman Sebastian Galle. Every man is required from midnight, as more and on 31 December by 0 clock is going on in the huge room to hell! The Vodafone-Hochhaus then becomes, "Good-slip center" of the country.
"In the past year we have processed 18 000 SMS every second," says Galle. In barely half an hour after midnight, came as 87 million together this flash, this once again millions of phone calls. Second-best day of the year is Christmas Eve at 58.5 million SMS messages - but during the day.
"The SMS is: first come is first passed," says Galle. He therefore advised to send the message shortly before midnight. "Good is also sent to an SMS to a whole list of recipients, it is quicker."
About the Internet portal "MyVodafone" is also the opportunity to compose a message and to send it automatically. "That costs extra," says Galle. Waiting times can be avoided but probably not. If you're unlucky, you have to try it again and again - died down to 0.30 against the clock largest SMS storm.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Ricardo Corvo is the dead of the A59

Leverkusen -
After the discovery of the body A 59 (EXPRESS) reported that investigators now know who the victim: Ricardo Corvo was 43 years old and lived only since November in Cologne.
This has now revealed a DNA test of beyond reasonable doubt. Still, the homicide squad stumbles in its investigation partly in the dark. Therefore, investigators rely on the assistance of the population and ask:
• Who knew Ricardo Corvo and can information about its social
Environment do? • Who had contact with him or knows other contacts • How has Ricardo Corvo denied a living? • When was he last seen alive? • Who can provide information about the offense or the offender? • Who has the 02/01/2010 bevor 15.01.2010 suspicious observations made by the body reference?
Notes: Welcome to The Criminal Commissioner on telephone number 11 0221 / 229-0.
Also of Interest
Who knows the dead from the A 59?
Who is the dead from the A 59?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eric Gerets - he will be the new Bayern coach?

Marseille - Former Bundesliga coach Erik Geretswird Olympique Marseille at the end of the season left after two years.
"I've already decided a while ago to" the 54Jahre old football coach said Wednesday on the website of the League desTabellenführers first
With regard to denMeisterschaftskampf he had wanted to wait to admit his Entscheidungbekannt. Emerging unrest after the first rumors hättenihn forced to reconsider.
About the reasons for his dismissal was not specified Gerets. The Belgian is considered a possible candidate for the Traininerposten beimFC Bayern Munich.
Background: Bayern-Profi Franck Ribéry will appreciate Geretssehr.
From 2002 to 2005 he trained in the Bundesliga den1. FC Kaiserslautern and VfL Wolfsburg.
More on the Bayern coach search: EXPRESS.DE users want Bernd Schuster> Bayern sucht den Super-Trainer>

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Best's life is in Düsseldorf

Dusseldorf - Dusseldorf, Munich and Frankfurtbieten the dispatched employees of foreign companies, according to a study the best quality of life in Germany.
In eineminternationalen comparison of 215 cities, they crossed the line six, seven and eight, it said in a study presented on Tuesday inFrankfurt the consultancy Mercer.Weltweit Vienna landed at number one, followed by Zurich and Geneva.
For the 39 ranking criteria have been evaluated, which are important for insAusland expatriated employees of companies. Count with political, economic and environmental aspects.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I have never manipulated a game"

Osnabrück -
He can gamble, no question! Osnabrück professional footballer Thomas Reichenberger (1996-1999 Bayer Leverkusen) has qualified in 2007 for the world series poker tournament in Las Vegas. because you have to be a really good player already.
The tournament he has but then canceled because of the football preparation. And fell in Osnabrück as the second division last season in the relegation whirlpool assured Reichenberger: "The poker I let the moment entirely. I concentrate fully on football. "
But now puts the 35-year-old striker in the midst of the biggest manipulation scandal of all time. Reichenberger is next to Thomas Cichon (Moroca Swallows / South Africa) and Marcel Schuon (now Sandhausen) to the accused. Two games will be postponed.
On Friday Reichenberger went before Drittliga game against Dortmund II of Osnabrück in the offensive, stood in front of the fan curve and also introduce you were manager Lothar Gans: "The Thommy want to tell you something."
With a serious mine Reichenberger said: "It is much eingeprasselt on me in recent days. But I can assure you: I never had contact with the gambling mafia and had nothing to do with the betting scandal. I have never tampered with a game or taken money for playing poorly or losing. I am sure that we keep all together today to win the game and then celebrate tonight at the Purple-White night together. "The team won 4-1, it was celebrated.
But Reichenberger still have difficult days before. His adviser Dieter Marquardt to EXPRESS: "We want to know who put him there inveigled. We go on Monday to the lawyer and request the files. I know Thomas had a baby, am sure that all charges is not true. He is after the accusations quite ready. "
Also of Interest
That is how the extortion
Mafia manipulated more than 200 games
German football betting scandal threatens new

Friday, May 7, 2010

This case from Cologne saved 150 lives

Cologne - After fifteen years of service he retired and was replaced on a new one. The suitcase, which was flown by supporters of the German bone marrow donation register (DKMS) in the whole world, saved a total of 150 lives.
Whether in Brazil, the United States or in France, in the last 15 years, the suitcase with the bone marrow donation was almost across the globe on the road, "said Malte widower of the DKMS proud. The result: More than 150 lives could rescue the bone marrow.
The contents of this suitcase, the bone marrow, is the last hope of people in a desperate battle against cancer. Was the suitable donor's bone marrow removed, it must go very fast. Approximately 40 hours to bring the workers have time to make the case to the waiting patients.
If the donation to later go broke each stem cells from bone marrow. This makes the donation unusable, and that could cost the person a life. For this reason, always two flights for the persons who are carrying this suitcase, posted. If a canceled flight, always ready alternative.
The contents of the suitcase must not be X-rayed at check-in. X-rays would destroy the stem cells. Therefore, the security must be promptly informed of the shipment. "At the latest after two years to determine whether the transplant, we were successful, says Malte widower. "If so, then we can say that again: This case saved a life."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Little fox" Köbesse suddenly saw black

Dusseldorf - Which advertising Fuchs had devised that?
The brewery "The little fox" - top-fermented soul of Ratingen street - of the heart for many of Düsseldorf. For over 150 years here, the legendary Old Füchschen-brewed.
Dark brown delicious beer, the famous red logo with the fox. Does the beer mats. The black pens, which write the Köbesse the rounds on the lid. Had 150 years jot jejange. Until now! Now the Köbesse suddenly saw black. And the clientele ripping good time.
The "Fox" had suddenly disappeared classic white coaster. Black cardboard had taken its place. Even the white waiter blocks were black at one time. And because there is not just black on black looks very good, got all Köbesse new pins. White! And it took all Köbesse right "schei ..."
A few rounds of old, the lid slightly softened. And even the waiters were blurry white lines could hardly distinguish yet. On some cardboard, they were gone, even after quite some time. Pretty nice for the "little fox" clientele, rather annoying for the frustrated Köbesse.
Uli Tillmann has many years of working in as little fox Köbes. With wit and impudent flap it has become a "Chinese-Uli" on the road Ratinger a legend. Tillmann: "The designer who has done this, should really get something on the lid. A crazy idea that does not belong in such a beautiful temple of beer as the "fox". Off to the ton! "
Brewery boss Peter King has now also available. The black covers have disappeared as quickly as they came. King: "The lids were too dark to me. This includes the Köbesse were constantly annoyed. And if you put a glass on the cardboard, you could see our fox logo anymore. I must confess: missglückt attempt. "Wants to cover the king now use only at parties.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Völler plucks Bayer Eagle Keeper

Leverkusen - Crisis? Crash fear? At first glance, some of that was on Sunday at Bayer hardly anything. A couple of teenage girls vied for autographs after the training of their favorites, the professionals were the prayers for you.
But Sunday was yet not a day like any other. Instead of the expiry, asked his coach Bruno Labbadia eleven live in a tactical unit, which also began with plenty of late. Reason: After the 0-1 in Hanover on Sunday, there was a need for discussion in the cabin.
This was especially true for two Leverkusen: Rudi Voeller was early in the plant. After the controversy from the day before he spoke face to face with goalkeeper Rene Adler. The official language is then called the most: It has been decided - by topic. But is it really? Because the day before this happened was too much.
Bayer's animal crisis. Nations cope plucks eagle. Down and Out in the crisis at Bayer. And not a few thought: For once, no Lenor-Leverkusen ", they thought.
After the non-performance in Hanover (0-1) Adler had given vent anger and frustration. Spoke of the "Bayer phlegm." From a "phenomenon, that it indeed has been around longer with us. From the outside is always reingetragen just how good we are. Perhaps we, the head twisted. We need to slow hochkriegen the ass. "And again:" When the going gets tough, we fight too little. Football is a martial arts, know that everybody needs. "
Flash interview with captain Simon Rolfes: "I can not quite agree with René">
They were honest, clear words of the 24-year-old goalkeeper, who had held up outstandingly in the winter, puts the past few weeks but also in a downturn. And there were words that brought the Rudi Voeller furious. This Pauschalkritik went too far for him. "My good advice to the talented goalkeeper to take time to one's own nose. When he has not held a few weeks ago a couple of times balls, also has what none of his teammates said. Rene is right to go to a camera, and views on a microphone to pass. "It made the eagle then criticized by nations on Sunday - and walked past the TV camera ...
More from the Leverkusen: meniscal tear: Frederick must be operated> Adler's secret: I dream of the games>

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fortuna: Tony Meier sends his Kenya Gem

Dusseldorf --
"You could see right away that the boy can play very good football," praised coach Norbert Meier on Tuesday Testspieler Peter Opiyo.
Fortuna has conveyed to the Kenyan national team, an old acquaintance: Antoine Hey.
"Peter plays with me in the national team. He is a very good player who has his biggest strengths on the six position, "said the former professional Düsseldorf.
"I would be very happy if he could stay here. He has alternatives, but Fortuna is a great address. Of which could benefit both sides. "
The midfielder confidently: "It is my goal, here at Fortuna - where it has taken me very well received - a contract to bring the club up."
There are however two problems. "The player has one and a half year contract in Kenya. We see him to us but still in quiet and accurate. We'll do all that are recommended to us by former Fortunen, just as it did in preparation for defender Audi, "says Norbert Meier.
The second difficulty: In Opiyos favorite position in the defensive midfield Fortuna really no need. Since the Dusseldorf with Claus Costa and Stephen are the best equipped winners.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Soothsayer sees the rise for Fortuna!

Dusseldorf - The crackle-finals for the promotion dream. Two more days, then will make many thousands of the match in Dusseldorf Erfurt to a Fortuna home game.
A victory in Thuringia, a simultaneous collapse of Oberhausen, in Berlin, and the miracle was not even thinking about a month ago, after the failures in Lubeck, and awls, is perfect.
Whether it actually got to grips with the latest, Saturday around 15.20 clock to be clear. EXPRESS wanted it but know in advance. The Düsseldorf fortuneteller Dagmar Wackermann (said at the beginning of the month even the rise of the Bundesliga ahead of Cologne), we have looked for times on the day that will decide everything. How do they do it? "I'm telepath. I concentrate, I can see what happens, "she explains.
The first look goes to Berlin, where all the hope in Düsseldorf backing of the iron. "Union is on that day more than Oberhausen, which I see immediately. Berlin wins, probably even win it clearly, "explains Wacker husband after less than five seconds.
That would mean Fortuna Match Ball! We direct the spotlight to Erfurt. This time, the seer takes a bit longer. Fortuna will be the stronger team, but here it is quite scarce. It is a decision by a whisker, which will fall very late. Fortuna draw or narrow win. "
We want to know more go into detail. What it predicts for individual players, for example, top scorer Axel Lawarée? "In him I see a 3," says Ms. Wackermann like a shot from the pistol. 3 points? "It may well be that he has something to do with the third goal."
Michael Ratajczak, who is standing at the old workplace in Fortune's gate? "He believes in himself." And after a short pause: "Now I see a 2:1." And Captain Lumpi Lambertz? "In him I see that he is very good proposal, caught a great day."
Conclusion: "It is said as tight, but Fortuna is rising." I hope you will be right, Mrs. Wackermann ...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thus Leverkusen grabbed the football talent

Leverkusen - master. Cup. 2007 Best Player of the U17 World Cup. Accolades included.
Toni Kroos has, despite its first 19 years (which he on January 4) has already made a name. Upcoming Kroos, whirling as the largest German football talent is, for the Werkself.
Bayer has directed the midfield to 30 June 2010 on loan from FC Bayern. (EXPRESS reported>)
A transfer firecrackers, the Express says: So grabbed Bayer Kroos.
• Early interest. "We see Toni Kroos for several years, Michael Reschke maintained contact. Even before his move to Munich, we were interested in him, "said club boss Wolfgang Bayer's wooden houses. Kroos was changed from 2006 to FC Hansa Rostock Bayern.
• The player and the Bayern will. "Hoeness and father Roland Kroos have approached us. The player was eager to us, "said sporting director Rudi Voeller. Bayern general manager Hoeness: "We want to give the boys match practice and bring him back as a finished player. We have become actively and knowingly were looking for a club who stands up and plays football, who looks the way we practice it. At Leverkusen, he has said yes immediately, and then we are pushed. "
• The perspective. The Under-21 international matches well with the young, offensive-oriented team, in which seven German (almost all international standing) in the starting XI. Competition is there to play the prospect is larger than in Munich.
• The contractual arrangements. "If Tony does not return in the summer of 2010 in Munich, we will be able to beat a possible offer from another club," says wooden houses. A rental fee must also pay only Bayer in summer 2010. The disadvantage clause: "Bavaria is the player - if he really wants - against payment of an indemnity order back to us in the summer," said wooden houses.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Calli, "Whisk Christoph triumph train '

Koelle alaaf! Gladbach stop Pohl! Christoph Daum and Hans Meyer, who with her boys at the carnival weekend really big chunk op de jeklopp - there is rescued by the Carnival!
Cologne's chief coach is on Monday, live on the first carriage when Zugleiter Kuckelkorn there. Dear Christopher, I am with the Air Force shortly after you - and I will closely monitor that you are not only proud of winks, but also really throw chestnut and Strüßjer.
I do not begrudge them victory thumb-drive with all my heart. Although he looks fierce here and there, I know that he enjoys the cheering of the Cologne fans. Especially as do the three Bigpoint by the sensational victory in Bavaria for more than half the rent for the first league.
After my one and a half years, Christopher has insulted that I have persuaded him to suicide squad at FC, I can now finally countered. I told him then, "take charge of the FC, which increases with time and then initially believe in the Bundesliga.
If you all succeed, they build you a monument beside Willy Millowitsch. This is more fun and quality of life means more than playing with Moscow or Kiev in the Champions League. "Of course I am now glad that I was right.
For a monument, he is still too young. But the Cologne-based trio-let me - forgive thumb drive today as King Christopher I of Cologne. And he has this same thing without any ifs and buts deserve.
As a young coach, he has freed the FC 20 years ago from the crisis. Then still with youthful vigor, with the most modern training methods, but sometimes also with a braggart known as Cassius Clay. Now he has 150 games with FC by far the longest-serving coach.
Christopher is a sovereign, became thoughtful. But he is still a positive Fußballbekloppter who has awakened with his experience with FC from a long sleep.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Free travel bill for the Fortuna keeper Melka

Dusseldorf - The second half run for Michael Melka not at all as desired.
In the first half of the season of Goalkeeping fortune was large constant, and saved a lot of points. 2009 is not, however, he was able to build on its excellence to be indulged in unusual blunders.
In Unterhaching milking caused the penalty to 0-1, the 2-1 in Regensburg, he collected the strangest matches of the season when he Grassow anschoss at a discount, and the ball flew into the goal. Last misjudged the 30-year-old at the leading edge of Emden.
"I griffin in Haching not, he makes the gate. The thing in Regensburg was indeed stupid, but not spielentscheidend. Actually, I have even won the game yet, "defends itself Melka. "When I was poorly positioned Emden's results. But since I was part of a chain of errors. "
The keeper added: "The job of the goalkeeper, it is just so that you stand in the spotlight. Errors are punished immediately. The wonderful thing is rausholen: You can very next game for his team a victory. "
This is also the coach Norbert Meier, who's number 1 on Wednesday at Bayern Munich II familiar. "Michael was indeed involved in Emden gate, but he showed many good performances. I rely upon him, he is one of the greatest goalkeepers in the league, "said the coach. "I see absolutely no reason to call into question the milking, but his strength back."
Meier gives the goalkeeper a free ticket for the next few weeks and can cook for his 1B Michael Ratajczak continue on the bench. "I am glad that we have two such strong men's final," says the 50-year-old. "I know Michael very well. His positive leak-me-on-ass attitude will help him build his confidence again. So I will not Goalkeeping open discussion. "
The ex-Mönchengladbach, whose contract expires in the summer, will remain loose, and refers to its overall record: "More than 60 meetings I have attended now for Fortune. If you can count the bad games including on one hand, that's fine. It is important to think more positively. I put away the ".
Also of interest
Lumpi will pull the strings

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Schumi: "It brings a lot to me to be here"

Jerez --
Schumi-second day of testing at Jerez in Spain. The conditions are far from optimal, but Michael Schumacher his first comeback can not spoil km from constant rain and aching muscles.
"A feel generally positive feeling," he at the exclusive test in Jerez, protested the Formula 1 world champion. Although once again the difficult wet track the training of the Mercedes-new entry in the GP2 race car, but has steadfastly Schumacher raced the clock again at 9:18 on the runway. "All in all, of course, every meter helpful," said the 41-year-old.
Under particular scrutiny is at the Circuito de Jerez, especially the nape of the superstars. "There are still so little sore approaches that have been followed, but this is completely normal," said Schumacher.
Using a special machine he had long trained again for the enormous pressures in Formula 1 The three-day test drive in Spain will give additional information as to whether the serious injury is truly healed completely after a motorcycle accident last February. As late as last August, an emergency relief operation at Ferrari was too hard on his injured neck failed.
Video entitled
Final confirmation of his fitness, but also expects the seven-time champion after his Test debut in the new Formula 1 car from Mercedes in early February in Valencia. "There will be a settling-in period should be," said Schumacher. The GP2 race car, which he runs in Jerez, can simulate the pressures of a Grand Prix only in its infancy. "Nevertheless, it brings a lot to me to be here, because even if in terms of centrifugal forces do not get at the Formula 1, one can still communicate with the train engineers and sensitivity in the border area," said Schumacher.
The record-breaking world champion will do justice to his reputation as a perfectionist at Jerez. He meticulously analyzed his rounds again, and the handling of the car, examining the interplay with his two Mercedes engineers Andrew Shovlin and Peter Bonnington. "How do I react to different changes, how I communicate, how I present some problems - as does my guys do that already a certain image," Schumacher described the routine work on the track.
After more than three years in Formula-1-break picks are the 91-Grands Prix winner meter by meter back the feeling for his sport. "I can understand the general parameters and emotional barometer turn a bit and watch: Does not everything?" Said the German. Was difficult for him back a step into the cockpit. "I immediately felt comfortable."
Also of interest
Michael Schumacher holds the neck

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Now Lothar talks

Cologne - Four wins, one draw. Success in Stuttgart has a name: the fabulous Babbel-Boys, the beautiful story has a twist: In the summer end.
The 36-year-old Markus Babbel, the master maker Armin Veh heir, has no coaching license. And pressing needs only time to school at the trainer academy in Cologne. There is no trickery, for the DFB can be exceptions, no longer apply. A new coach has her in the new season.
It traded candidates. Thomas von Heesen, currently in Cyprus. Or Robin Dutt from second division Freiburg. Not exactly sounding name for the ambitious Stuttgart ...
Top favorite is Bernd Schuster. Since his dismissal at Real Madrid with his mother in Augsburg. The blond angel said to have already met with Horst Heldt. "For potential candidates, I say nothing," said Stuttgart's manager yesterday EXPRESS-demand.
Even before the obligation Vehse early 2006 was one of the favorite candidates Schuster Heldt. They met in a Madrid hotel, Heldt had rented a room, the conversation went very harmonious. But: At that time there was resistance against the bosses in Stuttgart introverted and complicated Schuster. Now, the new test. But: lie to the former world star too lucrative inquiries from England vor.Nun a new name emerges: Lothar Matthaeus!
Despite the mini-budget of Germany's most capped player makes from the Israeli club Netanya Tel Aviv brilliant work that plays with the title. Next Monday it will come to an initial contact between the former world star and of Stuttgart. But Lothar's has good work spread: He is a million-quote of the top Ukrainian club Shakhtar Donetsk vor.Was Heldt said the state of the coach search? "I remain very calm and would not comment on any names."

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mock executions at the "Hansa Stavanger"

Hamburg - The hostage crisis on the freighter Hansa Stavanger "is for the 24 crew members more and more physical and mental hell. Since 4 April is the ship of the company, "Leonhardt & Blumberg," already under the control of Somali pirates. And their methods of torture are becoming more violent, as the second officer from Lower Saxony, Frederick E. depicted in telephone calls with his father, Christian.
In the few conversations that are allowed by the pirates, told the 27-year-old from cruel sham executions. "We had to kneel, they joined our eyes. Then they shot just over our heads," Christian's father quoted his son in the ARD magazine "Panorama".
 As an elite fighters wanted by the special unit GSG 9 stormed in May, the Hansa Stavanger, the situation threatened to escalate. "The pirates have long suspected something. They were very nervous, there were 40 heavily armed men on board," said Christian E. later on the phone.
The father of the officer now sounds the alarm: "My son is scared to death. He and the others just want to go home."
The federal government has meanwhile pulled out of the negotiations with the pirates back and leave this task alone, Frank Leonhardt. The problem of ensuring: The owner preferred to haggle the ransom, as a quick rescue of his crew. Apparently the pirates instead of 15 million U.S. dollars to "only" 2.75 million still calling. Leonhardt, however, will insist on 2.5 million U.S. dollars.
Despite the dramatic conditions of on-board closed-Secretary of Defense Thomas Kossendey a violent liberation: "It would end in bloodshed."
Not good news for the crew members, after nearly four months in captivity, have only one wish: "Get us out of here at last!"
More details about the kidnapping of the Hansa Stavanger "pirate freighter crew can stop starving> Federal Government GSG-9-liberation> fear of bloody revenge of Pirates> skipper dies in raid on pirates> pirates drama comes to a head> Pirates hijack German freighter Hansa Stavanger>

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Otto Pfister: "An African team will never be world champions!"

Cologne / St.Gallen - bang on the black football Kontinennt! Globetrotter Otto Pfister (71) has jettisoned as national coach of Cameroon - exactly one year before the 2010 World Cup in South Africa!
In the interview, the native of Cologne EXPRESS explains why he quit. And why an African team will never be World Champion ...
EXPRESS: Mr. Pfister is why you resigned as coach of Cameroon? Pfister: I was observed in Greece players who come into our training camp in Brussels, and suddenly three people standing in front of me and say: We are your new assistant coach. The minister has simply changed my employees rod. My past Wizards were simply sold! I'm not going to do with me. I have principles. Imagine: In Cologne, Christoph Daum comes to training and his assistants are fired. Who can do that to himself? How can I explain this one Samuel EtoŽo? I still lose my face! I immediately canceled in writing.
Can you do it just like that? Pfister: Of course. The Federation has indeed committed a breach of contract. I have an exclusive right to pick me my staff. Goalkeeper coach Thomas Nkono was among them. And my assistant GWEA was the best I ever had. The take away I can not let me. He was crying on the phone. Do you know: Whether in Togo, Nigeria or Cameroon, it is the same everywhere.
What do you think? Pfister: It's about the clan. Coal. For positions and intrigue. 1000 people in Cameroon want to be coaches for the national team. There is a lot of money in the game. If you belong to, you have a good future. And so the politics of its people haggle about the team. For this reason, an African team will never be world champion!
Your dream of the 2010 World Cup has burst? Pfister: Not at all. I already have a job as national coach in the Arab Region and another. In addition, roll again soon anyway for a few heads in the qualification.
But the issue is final by Cameroon? After all, they led the country to No. 2 at the last African Nations Cup. ... Pfister: Even the President has called me. Certainly there is a chance. But that's all tralala. To 90 percent, the door is shut. As a coach you have to be cold. I've known this dirty business. Even Arsène Wenger and José Mourinho, whom I know very well, are cold. No other way.
More about Otto Pfister Otto Pfister: lightning visit Geißbockheim> Pfister makes up for the World Cup next> The King of kölsche Cameroon>

Monday, February 22, 2010

Storm is on tractor with plenty of horsepower

thick yoga mat for sale

"There is something unique for us all," said Felix Sturm in the name of Boxkollegen that will leave it here on Saturday at the Nurburgring their business card. "I hope that we will leave a lasting impression - and may come back."
A paddock is not new territory for the Leverkusen-based way, "I was there already in Monte Carlo." Where he met Sebastian Vettel: "A great guy. Even for him is just the success. "Of course it would provoke storm," Driving a lap time in race cars, but the risk is too great. " Especially now that he is father.
Therefore, perhaps the somewhat surprising answer when asked about his favorite car: "I ride my bike, go-kart like too, but my dream is a tractor with more horsepower." Perhaps he flirts more with a Ferrari - as well as Domenico Spada. The Italian fight against Schwerin Sebastian Zbik ( "I drive VW") to the Interim WBC World Championship in the middleweight and admits that he still put up with a Fiat Panda has to take.
Car is an absolute freak storm opponents Khoren Gevor. Although privately he only runs "the wife's car - A-Class", but he's out in every free minute with his "home-made and painted" model BMW to competitions.
If, after Nurburgring CEO Dr. Walter Kafitz, then they may come back all the way: "I hope that will pit the cult on the ring."

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bernd Stelter: That would be terrible!

One man, one goal: to bring fun into everyday life. But he is on stage, on TV and as a book author in use:
Bernd Stelter (47), the man who brings the mood in the booth. He has just the final work for his camp thriller "Death has entered a trailer hitch" (published in mid-August in Lübbe Verlag), the WDR-TV Wednesdays runs his success Quiz "The NRW Duell Extra" on 13 9. he is with his program "midst" in Cologne's "Dancing Fountain" and then the carnival preparations to run.
All times occasions, asking him to talk to. EXPRESS caught him during a family holiday at the campsite in Holland.
The interview can be read right in the box!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ne kölsche Jung as a star in reggae land

Cologne - Tilman Otto (33) is likely to be some teachers at the Cologne Hansa Gymnasium still known as the cheeky clowns.
Meanwhile, he is a "gentleman" a superstar of reggae. And the only German to be recognized in Jamaica, the home of this music.
His album "Confidence" in 2004 rose to # 1 on the German charts, 2007 landing "Another Intensity" on position 2 He is compared to the greats of the reggae, even with Bob Marley, and calls from the Mayor of Cologne Fritz Schramma (CDU) is twinned with the Jamaican capital of Kingston.
"For me, the appearance in front of the cathedral an honor and the highlight of my career," he says. "When you consider that I have skated here before ..." That will be no place on Sunday ...

Friday, February 5, 2010

99ers tremble before decision

Cologne - Exactly four weeks after the bankruptcy, the shock Cologne 99ers fear for their future. During the day, announced the National Basketball League (BBL), whether the 99ers will continue to be present on the big basketball stage.
BBL spokesman Dirk Kaiser on Monday evening: "Those responsible have continued their approach delivered on time by 17 clock. Now we are thoroughly reviewing whether it can be ensured with this approach, another regulation play. "
BBL-director and a lawyer in January Pommer looked first to the documents, now agrees with his fellow board members. Despite the uncertainty, the signs are good that the saving banks is finally reached!
 Otherwise would have administrator Dr. Norbert Heimann can save the work and probably not given the green light to present the approach to the BBL. Now decide whether the ULEB Cup game against Russia Khimki BK (Tuesday, 19.30 clock, EnergyDome) still stands in the way of anything.
 Dirk Kaiser: "This is a balancing process. We see not only the organization Cologne 99ers, but also the people behind it. Cologne is not only because a very important location. On the other hand, of course the interests of other clubs will be respected. However, I am confident that the 99ers have delivered a workable package. "
 Russia's top club despite uncertainty landed on Monday at 13.40 clock in the private jet at the Cologne airport. The 99ers-Giants are following the gala performance against casting prepared to approve, the BBL is now the future of Cologne's most successful sports club in recent years.